Month: September 2017

Weavers Academy Achieve Outstanding A-Level Results

Weavers Academy have cause to celebrate as they announce an overall pass rate of 98% at A-Level with over 20% of exams taken achieving an A* or  A grades. The pass rate for Vocational qualifications was even higher at 100%and a staggering 84% of the grades awarded were Distinction* or Distinction.

This continues the trend of rapid improvement in exam results at Weavers and comes hard on the heels of the Ofsted visit in the summer term which judged Weavers to be a “Good school in all respects”

Among those to receive terrific news this morning were Carlos Fyffe who achieved A*A A, Max Snelling who achieved A*A*B B and Distinction* and Danny Clark who achieved A* A B B. Carlos will go on to study Automotive engineering at Loughborough, Max will study Physics at the Birmingham whilst Danny will also head to Loughborough to study Maths.

Carlos said “I am excited about going to Loughborough as it’s the next step towards my dream of working in F1”.  Danny said “I am overwhelmed! Everything has fallen into place and all the hard work has definitely paid off”. Like Danny, Max is the first person in the family to go to University. Max said “I am excited about my future and studying Physics. I hope to be involved in a ground breaking discovery in the future”.

All of our Upper Sixth students who planned to go to University have successfully secured their places across the country. Trei St Vie Hutchinson who achieved Double Distinction* Distinction* Distinction* will take up an apprenticeship in Cyber Security. Trei said “My results just prove that if you work hard you will be successful”.

Executive Principal of Weavers and Director of Education of the Creative Education Trust, Mr Philip Cantwell, said: “Throughout their time at Weavers Academy, students are encouraged to aim high. Weavers Academy shapes students who are resilient learners and who strive to achieve their potential. These significantly improved results are a real credit to the effort they have put in to their studies and we wish them all the very best for the future.”


Dear Parents

I hope you are enjoying a wonderful summer holiday with your children. We have just had some great A-Level results and are excited to see so many of our Year 13 students going on to university or starting apprenticeships.

We are looking forward to the start of term – Tuesday 5 September.  Please can I ask you to revisit the uniform expectations with your son or daughter and remind you of the letter I sent at the end of last term.  Uniform expectations can be found here.

Kind regards

Richard Boddy

Vice Principal

GCSE Success For Pupils At Weavers Academy

Pupils and staff at Weavers Academy were today celebrating some of the best GCSE results the school has seen. The school in Wellingborough, part of the Creative Education Trust, saw:


  • GCSE pass rates of almost 100% across all subjects (99.6%)
  • 68% of students achieved a new ‘standard pass’ of grade four or above in English
  • 62% of students achieved a new  ‘standard pass’ of grade four or above in Maths

This is the first year that pupils across England received their results using the new 9 – 1 grades with 9 being the highest grade. For the first year, the new grading system is only applicable to English language, English literature and mathematics. Other subjects will be phased in next year and the year after. The BBC have put together a guide for parents –


As well as strong overall results, there were a number of personal success stories including;


Natasha Fyffe who achieved grade 9 9 A* A* A* A* 8 A A and Distinction*

Louis Clark who achieved grades 9 9 A* A* A* A* A A 7 and Distinction*

Esha Kumari who achieved grades A* A* A* A* A* 8 7 7 and Distinction*

Alex Lancaster-Lennox who achieved grades 9 A* A* 8 A A A A 5

Chloe Thompson who achieved grades A* A A A A A 8 8 7 and Distinction*


Natasha, Louis, Esha, Alex, and Chloe all expressed their absolute delight and relief upon receiving their results this morning. They will all be returning to Weavers Academy in September to begin A level studies.


Vivien Swaida, Principal at Weavers Academy, said: “I am enormously proud of our students particularly when I see both their academic learning and their personal development flourishing. We are here to make sure that every young person who leaves us has real choices in life, whether sixth-form, an apprenticeship or into the workplace. I wish all of our pupils the best of luck for the future – I cannot wait to see what they go on to do next.”