The GCSE exam season is very nearly upon us. To help you support your child as they head towards this very important time we’ve provided you with some guidance and materials so we can all work together in striving for success.
If you would like to have an academic review meeting with your child and a member of staff to support them in their studies please email
Example English Language and Literature papers can be found here or by clicking through to Curriculum, English, Year 11 from the Weavers Academy homepage.
Show My Homework
Show my homework is an online homework resource and also a platform for us to share resources with students and parents. Staff have uploaded resources and past papers for use over the half term and this will increase and continue in the run up to the real exams. Here you will find Maths and Science practice papers.
GCSEPod is an invaluable online resource of numerous short “pods” that focus on specific topics in a short burst of clear, concise information with specific terminology, definitions and explanations. Students can download an app to their phones so they can be revising when they are out and about. Pods can even be downloaded in advance so that it doesn’t eat into anyone’s data allowance. Use the pods to help with topics when your child is stuck on an exam question.
Hegarty Maths
Hegarty Maths is an online Maths instruction, revision and assessment resource which promotes independent learning. Use Hegarty Maths with your child as they go through the Maths Exam papers that can be found on Show My Homework (2 copies of the higher paper, 1 copy of the foundation).
Educacke is an online Science revision and assessment tool. Students can be set tasks to complete by their teachers or produce their own revision questions based upon their own needs. Educake gives instant feedback so this is a good tool to use with your child either to ascertain topics that need revision or to check that revision has made an impact.