Great News! The Arts Council is are delighted to inform us that Weavers Academy has been awarded an Artsmark Gold Award.
“Weavers Academy is to be commended for its commitment to providing a wide range of artistic and cultural activities for pupils. Despite the considerable challenges the COVID pandemic presented, you found creative ways to engage pupils and the wider school community in arts activities, that undoubtedly contributed to their health and wellbeing. The virtual arts exhibition is one such example and with over 1400 viewing of pupil’s work, this was a great initiative, despite the restrictions. The photography challenge saw 149 creative submissions across 23 tutor groups, was another successful way of keeping the Arts in high profile across the school. It was also good to read about the steady increase in participation across all musical activities with pupil voice having a direct impact on participation in the school choir that now has 63 members regularly attending the group. You have further developed your partnership with your local music hub, and it will be good to hear more about this positive partnership and if these trends maintain as you continue on your Artsmark journey. Work and expertise has been successfully shared with a number of schools including; Art and Design with Wrenn School, Rushden Academy, Drama with Higham Ferrers Academy and Wrenn, whilst delivering music workshops to Redwell Primary and Freemans Primary. You have identified appropriate areas of development in your SOI and you may wish to consider collating case studies where you identify particular areas of strength that can then be shared on both regional or national platforms”