Month: May 2021

Free School Meals Vouchers for Half Term

The national free school meal voucher scheme will continue up to the 4th June 2021. NCC will again be providing families with ‘’ vouchers for over the half term break. Edenred vouchers will again be available to families from the 31st May. Please check your email regularly for your ecodes.

Voucher codes will be sent to your live email address so you will be able to place orders for supermarket gift cards on behalf of families whose children are eligible for free school meals, to cover the period between 31st May and 4 June 2001(1 week).

Gift cards are worth £15 a week per eligible child per week. Families will receive an eCode from or Edenred by email to redeem from a supermarket of their choice.

Please email us at to give us your most up to date email address.

Should you require further help please contact the school team on 01933 222 830 or send an email via

COVID19 – Protective Measure Update

From Monday 17 May,

  • Students will no longer be required to wear face coverings in classrooms or communal areas but will still need to wear them when using school transport;
  • Staff will also no longer be required to wear face masks in classrooms, but it is recommended that staff and visitors should continue to wear face coverings outside classrooms where social distancing is not possible.

Continue to protect against Covid

Continue to protect against Covid: Continue to Test and Trace

Let’s all continue to be careful as Covid is still with us. Testing plays a crucial role in the fight against coronavirus (COVID-19). Can we encourage all to test themselves and report results if positive. Reporting is important as it supports contact tracing in the event of a positive case and assists our understanding of community rates of infection.

The DfE have put out a blog on why reporting your test result is as important as taking a test as this gives further guidance and answers common questions.

Thankyou for your continued vigilance.