

We pride ourselves on high standards of dress in school and ask for the co-operation of students and parents in maintaining these. A high standard of dress impacts on the working ethos of the school and how the wider community views our students. It is the expectation of this school that students attend dressed smartly, safely and that appropriately. Students wear the correct items of uniform in the correct manner. The Principal’s decision on the way all items of clothing should be worn is final.

Uniform in full

Item Image Description
School blazer with badge (required): Blazers are to be worn at all times with the sleeves rolled down, including as students arrive and leave school. Only school badges to be worn on blazer*. Teachers may give permission to remove the blazer in lesson, and it may be removed at break and lunchtime
* Poppies may be worn up to 11 November or remembrance Sunday. We will consider other charity events when appropriate again for set periods of time.
Purchasable from https://www.pbuniform-online.co.uk/weavers
A school tie (required): tie in the school colours and using a clip on for safety and uniformity.
Purchasable from https://www.pbuniform-online.co.uk/weavers
A formal shirt (required): formal shirt in white cotton, with stiff collar and buttons to the neckline.
This must be worn with the sleeves rolled down and tucked into the trousers or skirt at all times.
Short sleeve shirts are acceptable in the summer
Purchasable from: any generic supplier

Trousers: smart, black tailored trousers, full length.
Purchasable from any generic supplier

Skirt: school regulation checked skirt worn to knee or below.
Purchasable from https://www.pbuniform-online.co.uk/weavers
Jumper (optional): a grey v-neck knitted jumper may be worn underneath blazers, but not instead of a blazer.
Purchasable from https://www.pbuniform-online.co.uk/weavers or a generic brand is also acceptable
Socks: black or dark grey socks should be above the ankle and should be knee length with skirts
Purchasable from any generic supplier
Shoes: formal shoes in black leather, with a smooth upper, rigid sole and heel.
Shoes should not be trainers, not pumps, not dancing shoes, or informal shoes not boots.
Shoes with Nike ticks, Kappa, adidas stripes etc. and sports other logos are not permitted.
Purchasable from any generic supplier
Coat: an outdoor coat can be worn and must fit over the blazer.
The coat is not to be worn instead of blazer or under the blazer.
Hoodies are not permitted in school, nor are any other non-uniform items of clothing.
Purchasable from any generic supplier

Please order school branded uniform items online using https://www.pbuniform-online.co.uk/weavers

PE Kit

Following student voice and a review of our PE uniform we have made several changes to the PE kit. Students tell us they are really proud to represent the Academy and we want to provide a uniform that reflects this and enables a consistent and smart approach to PE lessons. It is important to clarify that the expectation is that students attend PE in their full Weavers PE kit and not in their own jumpers, branded track-suits, t-shirts or hoodies as this will breach the student uniform list from September 2023.   

Year 6 new students will require for the start of the new school year (September 2023)

Grip Active Black Tracksuit including Grip Active T-Shirt and Shorts (Bundle 1)


Grip Active Weavers Academy Rainshell Jacket

Grip Active Weavers Academy Snood

Current students will require

Grip Active Full Black Weavers Academy Tracksuit (Bundle 1)


Grip Active Full Black Training Kit.

Grip Active Weavers Academy Rainshell Jacket

Grip Active Weavers Academy Snood

Please follow the link Weavers Academy (gripactive.com) to purchase the new school PE kit.

The following kit is available to purchase now and will take roughly 3-4 weeks to dispatch however the kit is essential for September 2023 for all students.

Please see below for the size charts for both the Adult and Youth Bundles.

If you have any questions regarding the new PE kit please contact Mr S Emary, Stefan.Emary@weaversacademy.org.uk

Weavers Equipment List

All students must bring the following equipment:

  • A large enough bag with capacity to fit A4 books, folders, pencil case and other equipment
  • A Weavers Planner
  • A pencil case with the following essential items:
  • Blue or black pen
  • Red pen
  • Pencil
  • Ruler 
  • Mini whiteboard and whiteboard pen

Additional equipment can be purchased from the student office. Please note compasses will be provided by the maths team when required.

Some students also find the following items useful and like to bring these with them too:

  • Green pen
  • Calculator (ideally a Casio FX-83GTX-S, but any scientific calculator is sufficient)
  • Glue
  • Coloured pencils
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Protractor 
  • Round ended scissors
  • Highlighters 

Hair, make-up and jewellery

Hair and make-up: All hair must be natural colour. No shaved patterns. Hairstyles should not be extreme. Parents should consult, in advance, with their child’s Raising Standard Leader if they are unsure as to the suitability of a change of style. The school decides what is ‘extreme’.

  • Long hair to be tied back in PE, DT and science.
  • Hair products should be avoided due to safety issued around flames in science, DT etc.
  • Students will be given 24 hours to change inappropriately coloured hair.
  • Hair extensions must be the wearer’s natural hair colour.
  • Make-up must be ‘subtle’. School defines what ‘subtle’ is and students will be asked to remove excess.
  • No nail extensions: these prevent students from effectively participating in activities and poses a risk to students’ safety.
  • Only clear varnish—no colours allowed.


  • Two 5mm studs – one per ear
  • No facial piercings, no hoops, no multiple studs, no tongue studs, no spacers
  • No necklaces, bracelets or rings
  • No wrist bands
  • Hair bands must be on hair or in pockets, not around wrists
  • Students may wear a watch but no other jewellery is permitted due to health and safety and liability in case of loss

If students wish to have any part of their body pierced they must arrange this at the beginning of the summer holiday so that the wound has sufficient time to heal. Plasters may not be worn to cover body jewellery or facial piercings. If students disregard this, students may be placed in isolation during social time for infringement of uniform rules that cannot be rectified by sending the student home to change.

Students not in the correct uniform

Students will be placed in reset for infringement of uniform rules that cannot be rectified by sending the student home to change or by the school providing a loan of appropriate items.

Special consideration will be given to parents if they wish their child to wear different items for religious, cultural or health reasons. Applications need to be made in writing to the school governing body.

Parents can apply in writing to the Principal/Governors for financial support. Such cases will be treated with due sensitivity and in confidence.