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Information regarding Examinations and student grading for Year 11 and 13 students
The body that oversees the examination process for the Department for information ‘OFQUAL’ has produced an infographic that helps to explain to parents and students the process that will be undertaken regarding the awarding of grades for this summer for Year 11 and Year 13.
The full information about both the consultation process that has been conducted by OFQUAL along with their decisions can be found on the following link
The school will be supporting the students and parents over the next few months as we aim to give the grades by the 18th of June. Further information will follow, and students will have assemblies in school to explain who we are going to follow the guidance provided to us by OFQUAL.
Weavers Academy celebrates record breaking attendance!
We are delighted to celebrate another record-breaking year for the attendance of pupils at Weavers in 2023-2024, alongside our success in 2022-2023.
Is your child not coming to school today?
All parents must notify us of absence before 8am on every day of absence.
We recognise that children get ill from time to time, but we must know where all students are if they are not in school.
Please use our school’s number to report absence – 01933 222830. Mrs Butlin, our Attendance Improvement Coordinator, will take your call and offer any support you may need.
Please ensure you leave enough specific detail for us to make an absence authorisation decision. If we require more information, we may call you back or visit home if we need more information.
The attendance team follow up every absence daily including minibus visits in the case of unexplained absence and welfare calls. If your son/daughters absence remains unexplained for the full day you will be automatically added to our safeguard and welfare checks which run from 7am-8am daily. Please always let us know if your child is not going to be at school.