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Our vision is for an ambitious curriculum for our students.  An ambitious curriculum doesn't mean a single, rigid path for all. Instead, it's about creating a flexible and supportive environment where every student can pursue their own ambitious goals, whether that's excelling in academics, developing a passion for the arts, or pursuing a unique career path.  Our vision is for an educational framework that:

  • Recognises and values diverse learning pathways: It acknowledges that students have unique strengths, interests, and learning styles.
  • Provides differentiated learning experiences: It offers a range of challenging and engaging activities, projects, and resources tailored to individual student needs and goals.
  • Focusses on deep learning: It emphasises critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and the development of transferable skills, rather than simply memorising facts.
  • Sets high expectations for all students: It is constructed with the belief that all students are capable of achieving excellence, regardless of their starting point. This might involve personalised goals and support systems.
  • Encourages risk-taking and exploration: It fosters a growth mindset where students are encouraged to step outside their comfort zones, experiment with new ideas, and embrace challenges.
  • Prioritises student agency: It empowers students to take ownership of their learning by providing opportunities for choice, self-assessment, and goal-setting.


National Curriculum Requirements The additional extensions at Weavers


Drama is a discreet subject rather than part of English only









1 language

We offer a choice of French or Spanish

Design Technology

We offer a carousel of Food, Photography, Textiles, Graphics and 3D Sculpture

Art and Design



Music Technology (within music lessons)





RE (within our Ethics curriculum)


Sex Education (within our PSHE curriculum)



National Curriculum Requirements The additional extensions at Weavers

English Language

English Literature



Science (double award)

Triple Science


All students study Core PE, but we also offer GCSE and NCFE courses as options

Citizenship (within PSHE)


Sex Education (within PSHE)

RE (within PSHE)


Computing is delivered in all subjects but we also offer computer science and IT courses as options

1 arts course option

Art and Design,
Music Technology

1 Design Technology course option

Hospitality and Catering,

1 Humanities course option


1 Modern Foreign Language course option

Plus provision for home languages


Health and Social Care
Business Enterprise
Retail Business
Financial Studies
Travel and Tourism

For our sixth form offer, please see the following specific page: sixth-form-prospectus

For details on subject specific content, please see individual subject pages in the menu

Additional to the subjects taught within the timetable we believe that our curriculum encompasses the holistic experience at school and consider the following to be fundamental parts of our curriculum:

  • The pastoral relationship between a student and their form tutor
  • The interaction between students at lesson change overs and in social times
  • The importance of behaviour and expectations including uniform, attendance and punctuality
  • Extra-curricular activities and experiences

Overall, our curriculum at Weavers is broad, balanced and far reaching, encompassing the full experience of our students.

We are aware that research shows that academic success is based on experiences outside the classroom as students grow up (cultural capital). Students are more successful if they grow up in a family that:

  • Reads books, newspapers and magazines
  • Visits museums, art galleries, zoos and stately homes
  • Watches the nightly news and documentaries
  • Talks about current affairs and their experiences over dinner or in the car, etc

These experiences allow students to acquire worldly awareness, understanding of how life works and, most importantly, the languages and vocabulary with which to explain it all. Our vision is to ensure that all students are supported to benefit from these experiences and the benefits that they give. With this in mind, we have developed an electives programme to enrich students experiences and opportunities.

As a member of the Creative Education Trust, we recognise the importance and value of creative and practical opportunities to nurture positive attitudes to learning and develop the confidence, personal, social and communication skills of all our students. The curriculum also enables personal development of pupils through instilling the Academy’s core values of ‘striving for success, focusing on learning’ and ‘Learning with pride’.

The curriculum at Weavers is sequenced to enable students to develop and effectively apply subject-specific powerful knowledge, concepts and skills to the appropriate level and beyond, reflecting the academic demands at different stages of their academic career but at the same time, not limiting their ability to exceed them. Throughout their learning experience, students have opportunities to connect new and existing knowledge and themes, to enable a broader and deeper understanding of the curriculum as a whole.

At Weavers we believe in being active partners in learning with our students, placing them at the centre of everything we do; we listen to their concerns, their interests, regularly reviewing and adapting our curriculum accordingly in response.

All students access a range of activities that enhance personal development, key life skills, careers as well as placing student leadership and enrichment at the heart of the student experience. In all subjects students are taught to recognise and apply the skills and characteristics that are essential to be successful in the world of work, recognising that they are applicable to all the challenges and opportunities they will encounter both now and in the future. By doing this we aim to teach them that all students (regardless of prior experience) already possess skills and characteristics but that most importantly these can be developed and applied to a range of situations to enable them to be successful in school, in personal lives and in the world of work.

Weavers Academy ensures that we make adaptations to the curriculum so that we comply with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. We also make the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs through effective quality first teaching to ensure that all students feel represented and empowered to be successful in their learning.

For any further information regarding our curriculum at Weavers, please contact the school at